48 resultados para Cross Infection

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Uma ampla variedade de patógenos oportunistas tem sido detectadas nos tubos de alimentação de água dos equipos odontológicos, particularmente no biofilme formado na superfície do tubo. Entre os patógenos oportunistas encontrados nos tubos de água, Pseudomonas aeruginosa é reconhecida como uma das principais causadoras de infecções nosocomiais. Foram coletadas 160 amostras de água e 200 amostras de fomites em quarenta clinicas odontológicas na cidade de Barretos, São Paulo, Brasil, durante o período de Janeiro a Julho de 2005. Setenta e seis cepas de P. aeruginosa, isoladas a partir dos fomites (5 cepas) e das amostras de água (71 cepas), foram analisadas quanto à susceptibilidade à seis drogas antimicrobianas freqüentemente utilizadas para o tratamento de infecções provocadas por P. aeruginosa. As principais suscetibilidades observadas foram para a ciprofloxacina, seguida pelo meropenem. A necessidade de um mecanismo efetivo para reduzir a contaminação bacteriana dentro dos tubos de alimentação de água dos equipos odontológicos foi enfatizada, e o risco da exposição ocupacional e infecção cruzada na prática odontológica, em especial quando causada por patógenos oportunistas como a P. aeruginosa foi realçado.


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OBJETIVO: Monitorar e caracterizar fungos anemófilos e leveduras de fontes bióticas e abióticas de uma unidade hospitalar. MÉTODOS: As coletas foram realizadas mensalmente e em dois períodos, do centro cirúrgico e unidades de terapia intensiva adulto e neonatal em hospital de Araraquara, Estado de São Paulo. Para coleta de fungos anemófilos foi utilizado amostrador tipo Andersen de simples estágio. A pesquisa de leveduras foi feita das mãos e de orofaringe de profissionais de saúde, bem como de superfícies de leitos e de maçanetas das áreas críticas. RESULTADOS: Foram recuperados do centro cirúrgico 32 gêneros de fungos anemófilos e 31 das unidades de terapia intensiva. Os gêneros mais freqüentemente isolados foram Cladophialophora spp., Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp., Chrysosporium spp. e Aspergillus spp. Durante o período de estudo, houve reforma e implantação de uma unidade dentro do hospital, que coincidiu com o aumento na contagem de colônias de Cladophialophora spp., Aspergillus spp. e Fusarium spp. Leveduras foram encontradas em 39,4% dos profissionais de saúde (16,7% das amostras dos espaços interdigitais, 12,1% do leito subungueal e 10,6% da orofaringe) e, em 44% das amostras do mobiliário, com predomínio do gênero Candida (C. albicans, C. guilliermondii, C. parapsilosis e C. lusitaniae) seguido por Trichosporon spp. CONCLUSÕES: Observou-se número relativamente elevado de fungos anemófilos (potencialmente patogênicos) em áreas especiais e níveis expressivos de leveduras em fontes bióticas e abióticas. O monitoramento microbiológico ambiental deve ser realizado, principalmente em salas especiais com pacientes imunocomprometidos, sujeitos à exposição de patógenos do meio ambiente, assim como, advindos de profissionais de saúde.


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This investigation studied the effects of disinfectant solutions on the hardness of acrylic resin denture teeth. The occlusal surfaces of 64 resin denture teeth were ground flat with abrasives up to 400-grit silicon carbide paper. Measurements were made after polishing and after the specimens were stored in water at 37 degreesC for 48 h. The specimens were then divided into four groups and immersed in chemical disinfectants (4% chlorhexidine; 1% sodium hypochlorite and sodium perborate) for 10 min. The disinfection methods were performed twice to simulate clinical conditions and hardness measurements were made. Specimens tested as controls were immersed in water during the same disinfection time. Eight specimens were produced for each group. After desinfection procedures, testing of hardness was also performed after the samples were stored at 37 degreesC for 7, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days. Data were analysed using two-way analysis of variance (anova) and Tukey's test at 95% confidence level. According to the results, no significant differences were found between materials and immersion solutions (P > 0.05). However, a continuous decrease in hardness was noticed after ageing (P < 0.05). It was conclude that the surfaces of both acrylic resin denture teeth softened upon immersion in water regardless the disinfecting solution.


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Objectives: To evaluate the effect of microwave disinfection on the flexural strength and Vickers hardness of 4 autopolymerized resins (Kooliner [K], Tokuso Rebase Fast [T], Ufi Gel Hard [U], and New Truliner [N]) and 1 denture base resin (Lucitone 550 [L]). Method and Materials: For each material, 48 specimens (64 x 10 x 3.3 mm) were made and divided into 6 equal groups (n = 8). In the control group, specimens were untreated. Before testing, specimens were immersed in 200 mL of distilled water and submitted to disinfection for 1 of the following irradiation times: 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 minutes. The irradiation procedure was performed twice. The flexural strength was determined using a testing machine MTS-810 and measurements of Vickers hardness were made on Micromet 2100. The values were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test (P = .05). Results: The K material showed a significant increase (P = .0010) in flexural strength following 5 minutes of disinfection compared to control specimens. The flexural strength mean values of materials T, U, and N were not significantly affected (P > .05) by disinfection. Compared to the control group, the K material showed a significant increase in hardness (P < .001) following disinfection for 3, 4, and 5 minutes. For material U, disinfection for 4 and 5 minutes produced specimens with significantly increased hardness values (P < .001) compared to the control group. For material N, disinfection for 5 minutes resulted in significantly higher hardness values (P < .001) than the control group. Conclusion: Regardless of the irradiation time, the flexural strength and hardness of the materials evaluated were not detrimentally affected by microwave disinfection. (Quintessence Int 2008;39:833-840)


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The trial was carried out to investigate parasite host specificity and to analyse the dynamics of infection with nematodes parasitizing sheep and catt:le raised together or separately in São Paulo state, Brazil, and, also to clarify doubts about the systematics of species of the genus Haemonchus on the basis of cytological and morphological studies. Ten steers and 32 ewes were randomly assigned to three paddocks (P), as follows: P1, 5 steers; P2, 5 steers and 16 ewes; and P3, 16 ewes. The animals remained on these paddocks in continuous grazing throughout the trial (1-yr period). Faecal exams and larvae counting on pasture were performed fortnightly. Once a month two tracer lambs were placed in each paddock, while two tracer calves were also placed, but only in the eighth month of the trial. All these animals were slaughtered for worm identification and counting. At the end of the trial, one steer and one ewe from P2, which showed high faecal egg counts, were also slaughtered for the same purpose. Nematodes identified cytogenetically as H. placei presented spicule hooks longer than those identified as H. contortus. The following distribution of parasites in cattle and sheep was observed: Bunostomum phlebotomum, H. similis, Mammomonogamus laryngeus strongly adapted to cattle, H. placei and Cooperia punctata more adapted to cattle than to sheep, Trichostrongylus axel and C. spatulata apparently more adapted to cattle, T. colubriformis strongly adapted to sheep, H. contortus more adapted to sheep than to cattle and C. curticei apparently more adapted to sheep. Cross-infection was shown to occur involving some species, however, with time the animals apparently eliminate the species that are not well adapted to them. Therefore, grazing management systems using cattle and sheep appear to be promising for worm control in southeastern Brazil. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O meio ambiente hospitalar guarda uma íntima relação com as infecções hospitalares, podendo proporcionar focos de contato e de transmissão. Como a higiene representa uma das formas de controlar a contaminação ambiental, realizou-se estudo para avaliar as condições microbiológicas dos colchões hospitalares antes e depois de sua limpeza. MÉTODOS: Utilizaram-se, para a colheita dos espécimes, placas de contato -- Rodac-plate ¾ preparadas com meio de cultura ágar-sangue. Selecionaram-se os leitos de acordo com critérios previamente estabelecidos, e os locais de colheita sob o colchão foram escolhidos por sorteio aleatório. Aplicou-se o teste estatístico de Goodman para o estudo das alterações numéricas quanto a positividade das placas. RESULTADOS: Foram investigados 52 colchões, totalizando 520 placas, das quais 514 (98,8%) resultaram em culturas positivas, sendo que 259 corresponderam ao período anterior à limpeza e 255 ao período posterior ao procedimento. Houve redução de culturas positivas em apenas 4 placas. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a limpeza, da forma como vem sendo conduzida, provoca o deslocamento da carga microbiana para outros pontos do colchão em vez de diminuí-la, resultando na manutenção da quantidade de microorganismos que existia anteriormente à limpeza.


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OBJETIVO: Observar a ocorrência de amebas de vida livre dos gêneros Acanthamoeba e Naegleria em amostras de poeira coletadas em hospitais. MÉTODOS: Foram coletadas 132 amostras de poeira em dois hospitais do município de Presidente Prudente, São Paulo. Os locais da coleta foram: Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, Centro Cirúrgico, Isolamento de Moléstias Infecciosas, Berçário, Emergência e Cozinha. As amostras foram semeadas em três meios de cultura: meio de ágar não nutriente com Escherichia coli, meio de ágar infusão de soja e microcultivo em meio de Pavlova modificado por Giazzi. As amebas isoladas foram identificadas segundo critérios morfológicos. RESULTADOS: O índice geral de positividade para amebas de vida livre, potencialmente patogênicas, dos gêneros Acanthamoeba e Naegleria, foi de 45,5%, sendo positivas 41,6% das amostras de poeira coletadas no hospital universitário e 50% no hospital estadual. Obtiveram-se 45,5% de positividade do gênero Acanthamoeba e 3,8% para amebas do gênero Naegleria. CONCLUSÕES: As amebas de vida livre, potencialmente patogênicas, estavam presentes em todos os ambientes estudados dos dois hospitais, sendo que as espécies do gênero Acanthamoeba foram as isoladas com maior freqüência.


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OBJETIVO: A infecção hospitalar é uma importante causa de morbidade e mortalidade na população idosa. O estudo realizado teve como objetivo avaliar a ocorrência e os fatores de risco da infecção hospitalar. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se estudo prospectivo em uma amostra de 322 idosos com 60 anos e mais, internados em um hospital universitário, entre setembro de 1999 e fevereiro de 2000. O cálculo da amostra foi feito pela fórmula de Fisher e Belle, com intervalo de confiança de 0,95%, de um total de 760 idosos internados, proporcionalmente ao número de pacientes em cada unidade de internação, no ano de 1997. Os critérios para definição da infecção hospitalar foram os do Center for Diseases and Prevention Control. Para a análise estatística dos dados foram utilizados o odds ratio e regressão logística. RESULTADOS: A taxa de infecção hospitalar encontrada foi de 23,6%. As topografias prevalentes de infecção hospitalar foram infecção respiratória (27,6%), do trato urinário (26,4%) e do sítio cirúrgico (23,6%). O tempo de internação dos pacientes sem infecção hospitalar foi de 6,9 dias e dos com infecção hospitalar foi de 15,9 (p<0,05). A taxa de mortalidade dos pacientes internados foi de 9,6% e a de letalidade dos pacientes com infecção hospitalar de 22,9% (p<0,05). Os fatores de risco encontrados para infecção hospitalar foram colangiografia (odds ratio (OR)=46,4, intervalo de confiança 95% (IC 95%)=4,4-485); diabetes melito (OR=9,9, IC 95%=4,4-22,3); doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (OR=8,3, IC 95%=2,9-23,7); cateterismo urinário (OR=5, IC 95%=2,7-11,8); internação com infecção comunitária (OR=3,9, IC 95%=1,7-8,9) e ventilação mecânica (OR=3,8, IC 95%=1,9-6,3). CONCLUSÕES: A infecção hospitalar apresentou incidência e letalidade elevadas e aumentou o tempo de internação dos idosos estudados.


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The author focuses the question of hospital infection, analysing the background on which the control committees were created. The hospital infection is discussed under bioethical principles and the Medical Ethics Code, examining the aspects related to the government, the Hospital Directorship, the Committee and the Control Service of Hospital Infection, and the assisting physician. A closer integration between the activities of the Program of Control of Hospital Infections and those of the Medical Ethics Committee is proposed, aiming at the patient and at the community, targets of total medical attention.


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The number of infectious illnesses and cross infection is spreading drastically among the professionals of the dentistry area. Controlling infections in dental offices is one of the greatest challenges for dentists and researchers of this area. In practice, contacts between professionals and infected patients are relatively common. The transmission of infectious illnesses from the health professionals to their patients is also possible, either by direct contact or due to lack of cares in relation to biosafety, increasing the cycle of cross infection. Molecular typing is necessary since these methods are an important tool to investigate the epidemiology of bacterial infections. Moreover, they are important for supplying information and precedents through the analysis of the infectious agents eletrophoretic profile. The aim of the present work was to analyze by molecular typing the genomic profile of aerobic bacteria isolated from the Clinics of Surgery and Face Traumatology, Ribeirão Preto University, through the technique of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and grouped based on similarity coefficients. Of two carried out collections, 55 strains were isolates belonging to the following groups: 12 Staphylococcus aureus; 13 Klebsiella oxytoca; 7 Klebsiella pneumoniae; 8 Pseudomonas aeruginosa; 5 Hafnia alvei; 5 Proteus vulgaris; 4 Escherichia coli; and 1 Proteus mirabilis. The adopted molecular typing strategy allowed the determination of the persistence of definitive strains at the collection environment, besides the identification of strains proceeding from the hands and gloves of the surgeon dentists, which could have been found in distant places as sinks and reflectors.


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It is known that the transmission of hospital infections, whether environmental or cross infection, is facilitated by the enhanced survival of microorganisms on dry surfaces that is caused by the presence of biological fluids. To demonstrate the need for care with bodily substances in the routine of cleaning, this study evaluated the influence of some body fluids (blood, urine and artificial saliva), deposited in the same way on various surfaces and allowed to dry, on the survival of Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923). Blood was able to preserve bacterial viability for up to 72 days when deposited on ceramic flooring. Fabric of cotton fiber allowed longer survival than synthetic fabric. These results show that the composition of biological fluid and type of support influence bacterial survival in normal conditions.


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Objective: To evaluate the biosecurity measures adopted in dental prosthesis laboratories of the city of João Pessoa, PB, Brazil with respect to prosthetic works sent by dentists. Method: Twenty-five dental prosthesis technicians (DPT) of the city of João Pessoa, PB, filled out a questionnaire referring to their knowledge of the biosecurity principles, disinfection of impressions and other prosthetic items, and the use of individual protection equipment (IPE). Results: Although 92% of the interviewees believed in the possible occurrence of cross-infection between dental prosthesis laboratories and dental offices, 64% declared that the prosthetic works received in their laboratories do not undergo any disinfection procedure. It was also observed that, for disinfection of impressions and stone casts, the chemical substances are not used as recommended by the manufacturers or are innocuous to microorganisms. Regarding the use of IPE, 60% of the DPT used mask, but only 4% used gowns. With respect to the measures taken regarding the impressions received from dental offices, 56% of the interviewees only wash them in running tap water, and 56% of the stone casts that arrive at the laboratory are not disinfected in any way. Conclusion: There is a need for more motivation and instructions to DPT regarding the prevention of cross-contamination during sending and receiving of prosthetic works between dental prosthesis laboratories and dental offices because the DPT evaluated in this study were found negligent with respect to disinfection procedures.


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Phenotypic and genotypic SPM and IMP metallo-β-lactamases (MBL) detection and also the determination of minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) to imipenem, meropenem and ceftazidime were evaluated in 47 multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from clinical specimens. Polymerase chain reaction detected 14 positive samples to either blaSPM or blaIMP genes, while the best phenotypic assay (ceftazidime substrate and mercaptopropionic acid inhibitor) detected 13 of these samples. Imipenem, meropenem and ceftazidime MICs were higher for MBL positive compared to MBL negative isolates. We describe here the SPM and IMP MBL findings in clinical specimens of P. aeruginosa from the University Hospital of Botucatu Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil, that reinforce local studies showing the high spreading of blaSPM and blaIMP genes among Brazilian clinical isolates. © 2011 Elsevier Editora Ltda.